Monday, August 3, 2015

Delicious Deception by Tami Lund Review

Delicious Deception by Tami Lund

Review done by Cassandra Brooker

5 Delicious Hot Stars!

This book hooked me right from the beginning and did not stop! I kept turning the page and didn’t want to put it down at all! I love these kind of books that just pull you in and take you on one hell of a ride.

We meet Connor who is on the run from a casino boss who is really mafia. You don’t know why Connor is running but he does and ends up at Emily Kate's “Louisiana Kitchen”.

He sweet talks his way in and does a great job at saving the night for her plus everyone loves his food! I would love to try some of that food too, sound very delicious. He cooks and ends up in bed with the owner, of course he does.

He didn’t plan on falling so hard for her and neither did Emily Kate. They fall hard but when bad people come looking for Connor, he is willing to leave Emily Kate but will it be enough to keep her alive?

Will she forgive him and have her happily ever after?
Will Emily Kate’s brother scare Connor enough to stay away?

I recommend you get this book if you want to find out what happens. Its action packed with great food.

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